Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yesterday I went to one of the most frustrating strikes I have ever been to in my strike history! As usual a good amount of people showed up. Some were working hard and the rest hardly working! My sisters, three of our girlfriends from the cast and one of the guys did most of the work. It wasn't too bad until we started putting in the pit.
At the theater we were renting part of the stage can be lifted off to make an actual pit. The pieces are very large and very heavy. They usually try and get some of the fathers there to help them put the pieces back in. We didn't have any there so we did it. By we I mean who I listed above plus our stage manager, conductor, director and tech head. That's it really... most of the time it was just us. The rest of the people sat in the hallway were the pieces were lined up and talked. We had to take the pieces lift them up onto a dolly that was placed in the center of the piece and roll it down the hall and onto the stage were we lifted it to roll the dolly out from underneath and gave it to our stage manager and director who lowered them into place. The others would sometimes help put the pieces on the dolly then they sat back down and basically left the really hard work to us.
One time we didn't get the dolly in the center and it was almost on one of our girl friend's foot. We were yelling down the hallway "Help! Help us! It's almost on Susie Q's foot! Help!" Finally after a good three minutes of yelling "Help" one of the guys finally noticed us and ran down to help.
When our producer got there she thanked us (those of us who were actually working) and then went out into the hallway. She asked them all what they were doing and they said "Oh we're talking, we're just taking a break." She came back in and asked my mother how long the break had been going, raised her eyebrows at my mother and that was it. She could never say anything bad about anyone. BTW: To take a break you had to have been doing something to take a break from!
I would like to tell all of you that you should never go to a strike if you're not going to do anything. Seriously if you think that you might end up doing more socializing than working than don't go. You'll only make yourself look bad and who wants that?

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