These past two rehearsals we have been in the process of costuming the cast. it has been an experience to put it simply. I can honestly say that I tried on a few dresses that I almost couldn't get out of. In the end we did find a few costumes that fit and we're going to give the options to our director. Both of my sister's got costumes as well. (My sisters if you don't remember are Lovely and Ursula. these names are from previous posts).
There are a few things though. My mother, who I personally think of as Wonder Woman, has kindly volunteered much of her time to helping with the show and a large part of her time has been spent on costumes. She spent hours with another mother and our producer in hot, stuffy, theaters finding costumes for us to rent. They took anything that they thought might work.
After fitting most of the leads they moved onto fitting ensemble, which is mostly girls. Our director really likes our costumes to look authentic to the time period of the show. Not like some movie versions that make everyone look cute, not historically accurate. If a character would have dressed in something ugly or ridiculous that is how our director wants you to dress. It has turned out very well in past years and our costumes have always looked great.
One dress was honestly, not great looking on the hanger. It was brown and it looked like a very messed up patch-work quilt. Every time they would send for a girl they all went in praying that they wouldn't wear the dress. However, one girl went in, tired it on and it looked cute! It just took the right girl for the dress. the ugly dress went through a Cinderella transformation on this girl. It just goes to show you that you can't judge a dress by how it looks on the hanger.
Some girls, I am getting this first hand from Wonder Woman, who is a reliable source, where less than helpful. They were openly unhappy trying on certain dresses and some didn't find a costume. However when asked to bring in a shirt or a scarf many girls looked at my mom and our producer like "Really? I thought costumes were your job." Take some initiative people! For God's sake go out and buy a pair of socks or the sweater, borrow one from a friend! It is not the difficult!
You don't need to be the prettiest girl on stage. This isn't your wedding dress it's a COSTUME! If you're cooperative and a good sport about things than the dress that you think is ugly that you have to wear might not be so bad anymore. Seriously just give it a chance!
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