Sunday, May 16, 2010

Expanding Horizons

It has come to my attention that I am probably one of very few theatre bloggers. I may be the only one who knows? But so far no one has read any of my posts. I know I am a tiny speck in a very large very full internet. Myabe no one will ever listen to me.
However I realized this weekend that although I love theatre that is not all I can write about. I would like to think of myself as a stylish person and so I could blog about fashion. I am also a swimmer. I can't imagine my life with out a pool. So I could blog about that. So I am. Why should I constrain myself to one topic and get only so many readers (if I've ever gotten any. I don't think I have) when i could blog about tons of things. If you don't like it then only read my posts about the things you like.
In the mean time I will hopefully be blogging more frequently because I will have more to blog about. :)
So if anyone out there is actually reading my little speck (please please please keep reading :) then hopefully you will keep reading. I have much more to talk about now.

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