Friday, April 2, 2010

First Post

As this is my first post I doubt that there will be many readers. However, if anyone happens to stumble along on my little blog I do hope that you will return to hear more from me, Broadwaylovercf.
I'm sure that most of you would like to know a little background information. Well, I'm a teenager who interest's include obviously acting and singing (if I didn't why would I call myself Broadwaylovercf?) and I also enjoy swimming, reading and writing.
Although I've only been acting for about 4 years I do hope that my past experiences can help you learn and I will learn along with you. My first show was The Wizard of Oz at my middle school. Although I did not play Dorothy it was a fun experience and my first official show. I went on to be in productions of Hello Dolly!, 110 in the Shade and most recently Gypsy at my high school. My other roles include Lily St. Regis in Annie and Mrs. Paroo in The Music Man. I hope to add more to my resume soon with my local theatre program putting on Bye Bye Birdie. We have not had auditions yet but I will keep you posted.
I will be adding quite a few articles today to get me started and I hope that you find they're information useful. I also invite you to comment and correct me when you feel I should be corrected. I may not change my mind but I am certainly open to suggestions and other opinions.

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